Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
Kurset dækker processer inden for design, implementering og administration af Azure netværksinfrastruktur, hybride netværksløsninger, load balancing traffic samt netværksmonitorering, -sikkerhed og -routing.
Du får teoretisk forståelse for og hands-on med design og implementering af en sikker og stabil netværksinfrastruktur i Azure samt etablering af hybrid connectivity, routing, private access to Azure services og monitorering.
Kurset specialiserer dig inden for Azure networking solutions og klargør dig samtidig til certificering som Azure Network Engineer Associate.
- Modul 1AZ-700 Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
Learn how to design and implement a secure network infrastructure in Azure and how to establish hybrid connectivity, routing, private access to Azure services, and monitoring in Azure.
- Introduction to Azure Virtual Networks
- Design and implement hybrid networking
- Design and implement Azure ExpressRoute
- Load balance non-HTTP(S) traffic in Azure
- Load balance HTTP(S) traffic in Azure
- Design and implement network security
- Design and implement private access to Azure Services
- Design and implement network monitoring
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