Configuring and Operating Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop
Du lærer at planlægge, udrulle samt administrere virtuelle maskiner samt remote apps i Azure. I den forbindelse berøres områder som bl.a. virtualisering, netværk, identiteter, storage, backups, disaster recovery og meget mere.
Kurset er avanceret og henvender sig til allerede erfarne Azure Administratorer, som ønsker at udvide deres kompetencer indenfor Virtual Desktop on Azure.
På kurset er der både teoretisk gennemgang samt praktisk hands-on med planlægning af Windows Virtual Desktop arkitektur, implementering af Windows Virtual Desktop infrastruktur, styring af adgang og sikkerhed, styring af brugermiljøer og apps samt monitorering og vedligehold af Windows Virtual Desktop systemer.
- Modul 1Plan an Azure Virtual Desktop implementation
Learn how to assess existing physical and virtual desktop environments and plan for Azure Virtual Desktop client deployments.
- Azure Virtual Desktop Architecture
- Design the Azure Virtual Desktop architecture
- Design for user identities and profiles
- Modul 2Implement an Azure Virtual Desktop infrastructure
Learn how to create host pools and apply operating system and application updates to an Azure Virtual Desktop host.
- Implement and manage networking for Azure Virtual Desktop
- Implement and manage storage for Azure Virtual Desktop
- Create and configure host pools and session hosts for Azure Virtual Desktop
- Create and manage session host image for Azure Virtual Desktop
- Modul 3Manage access and security for Azure Virtual Desktop
Learn how to plan and implement Azure roles for Azure Virtual Desktop and implement Conditional Access policies for remote connections.
- Manage access for Azure Virtual Desktop
- Manage security for Azure Virtual Desktop
- Modul 4Manage user environments and apps for Azure Virtual Desktop
Learn how to plan for FSLogix, configure Cloud Cache, and implement OneDrive for Business for a multi-session environment.
- Implement and manage FSLogix
- Configure user experience settings
- Install and configure apps on a session host
- Modul 5Monitor and maintain an Azure Virtual Desktop infrastructure
Learn how to plan and implement a disaster recovery plan, configure automation, and optimize session host capacity for Azure Virtual Desktop.
- Plan for disaster recovery
- Automate Azure Virtual Desktop management tasks
- Monitor and manage performance and health
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